Friday, October 26, 2012

New Tapes // New Store

We have updated how we do things...

We have combined the samples and info page with our store page..

you can see it in all its glory


Wednesday, October 10, 2012

4 New Releases

We have 4 (and a little more) tapes that should be about ready to hit the streets by Oct. 20.

Here's some sampling of what you can expect.

DDP 1971.026 Aural Level Fountain - Tulan Tulan Axcanpa c60
  Aura Level Fountain - Tulan Tulan Axcanpa by dubditchpicnic

DDP 1971.027 Blunderspublik- Barren Immensity c40

  Blunderspublik - Barren Immensity by dubditchpicnic  

DDP 1971.029 3 Leafs- Technical Death Metal Parking Lot c60
  3 Leafs - Technical Death Metal Parking Lot sample by dubditchpicnic 
DDP 1971.030 James McKeown - English Dream c42/CDR

  James McKeown by dubditchpicnic  

Friday, October 5, 2012

October Events.

Just  a heads up.

Mid October will bring the release of:

1971.026 Blunderspublik - Barren Immensity c40

1971.027 Aura Level Fountain - Tulan Tulan Axcanpa c60

1971.029 3 Leafs - Technical Death Metal Parking Lot c60

1971.030 James McKeown - English Dream c40/CDR
& a Ltd. 50 copy 2nd run of the Cosmic Dead cass.

We will also be introducing a new retail platform that will consolidate the Sights//Sounds & Store pages.. with some updated (and better) postal options. 

Way easier to grab the DDP stuff you CRAVE!!!