- High Wolf - Your Third Eye Is Supposed To Stay Open (Étoile 3030)
- High Wolf - Dream Is Good (Étoile 3030)
- Tonetta - $VIRAL$ (777)
- Träd Gräs Och Stenar - Gör Som Du Vill (Festen På Gärdet)
- Gaseneta - Untitled (Sooner Or Later)
- Chrome - Memory Cords Over The Bay (The Visitation)
- Kennelmus - 1001 Twice (Folkstone Prism)
- Feedtime - We've Gotta Get Out Of This Place (Cooper S)
- Eddy Detroit - Evil Dark Face (Immortal Gods)
- Ghost - When You're Dead (When You're Dead)
- Quiet Evenings - Hollow Earth (Burning Bridges)
- Agua Viva - Robot (Aguaviva: 12 Who Sing Of Revolution)
- Agua Viva - Rolling Stones (Aguaviva: 12 Who Sing Of Revolution)
- Sean McCann - Minted Waters (The Sky Is Filled With Incredible Wishes)
- Sic Alps - Occult Display (Napa Asylum)
- Lee Noble - Cop Show (No Becoming)
- Sarin Smoke - Untitled (It Chars Our Lips Yet Still We Drink)
- Great Society Mind Destroyers - Now Riot! (Spirit Smoke)
- Fossils - B-side (Flame Disc Revisited)
- Sternklang - Krautspoitation (I)
- Malibu Wands - Hive (C H D W)